Thursday 21 February 2019

Jam and Preserves, Marmalade and Curd

Spread the joyous fruit jam recipes are simple but often time consuming, using equal quantities of fruit and sugar. 

Commercial producers can use as little as 350g of fruit per kilo, with some jams using even less fruits and more additives and flavouring. Water and extra sugar are added to create the ‘jam effect’. 

Extra’ jam has a legal minimum requirement of 450g of fruit per kilo.

We don't believe in minimums 

We prefer more with our Strawberry, Raspberry and Blackcurrant extra jams. Stokes Extra Blackcurrant Jam has 510g per kilo – 51% of delicious fruit as our grandparents would traditionally have made it. the Old Stables at Rendlesham, knowing eyes watch over slow cooking blackcurrants, as they simmer, waiting for that very fine line between ‘perfect’ and ‘oops’. 

Our kitchen staff have an enviable expertise and are as passionate about their jams, preserves, relishes and sauces as we all are.

Magic Marmalade

Toast and marmalade - now that's a good breakfast. Toast with Stokes Seville Orange Marmalade - now that's a great breakfast. Once more, we took a traditional English recipe and made it our own to create a classic fine cut marmalade rich with the tangy taste of delicious Seville Oranges.

But it’s not just the amount of fruit. 50% poor quality blackcurrants and you 
can only create poor jam. 

It's all about ingredients

We go to uncompromising lengths to make sure the blackcurrants we use have that signature juicy sweet / tart flavour; the raspberries are rich, sweet and luscious; and the succulent strawberries have keynotes of Wimbledon.

Stokes use unrefined cane sugar, which is a typical artisan sugar. Produced in smaller batches, it is less processed and retains all or most of the cane molasses around the sugar crystals. 

This natural sweetness and additional depth of flavour simmer gently with the extra fruit to give the deeply flavoursome jams we love to deliver. Curd

Stokes Lemon Curd is a truly wonderful thing with lemons, rich butter and British free range eggs. 

A simple recipe, simply made and simply delicious. Delicious on toast, pancakes, lemon tarts and lemon sponges. 

The guys in the kitchen made a lemony sponge last week and a step-by-step guide was filmed - see the video here.

Enjoy !

Click on any image to 
place your fruity order today.

More foodie thoughts for the week:

Bountiful Brassicas - delicious recipes with seasonal greens here. 

Burgers - making them a thing of culinary beauty here. 

Share your kitchen favourites. This is one of ours - Bloody Mary Ketchup in the making, here.

If good food makes you happy
...adding Stokes will make you smile ;)


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