Wednesday 17 July 2019

Affairs of the Heart - a Romance Shared

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Adult Content (almost)
From Jane Austen to Jane Lovering, romantic novels and novelists have spanned the centuries with classic and contemporary tales of love, longing, heartache, romance, hope and heartbreak. Sue's story though, has more than a little of the steamier Jackie 'OMG' Collins about it!
There's no way of containing such passionate urges in a love affair such as this. This is no ordinary 'boy meets girl' Barbara Cartland - this is a no hold barred, 'girl meets Stokes' ... the proverbial apple in the Garden of Eden.
You have been warned.
Thank you for sharing your love story Sue.

Follow that! Still tickling the senses, though in the form of the taste buds, whilst considering the perfect pairing of condiment to Pork Pie. Which works best for you - the sweet notes of crunchy vegetables in our Sticky Pickle. Perhaps the chilli kick of our popular Chilli Jam. Or are you a classic pie-eater, preferring Stokes Classic English Mustard? Take a moment to consider and let us know.

Now here's a lovely lady that knows a thing or two about Stokes sauces as she, along with Stokes itself, celebrates her 15th year at the saucery.
Congratulations Nettie and thank you for your loyal service to fine sauce.

Many thanks to @imtheonewhocooks, Oliver Mannion, who shared this tasty platter on Instagram. Another perfect pairing Oliver. Thanks again for sharing.

More foodie thoughts for the week:

Tasty with Tuna
enjoy these tasty tips for cooking fresh Tuna and simple canned fishy fun - here.

Veggies on the Barbie
tips and tastes to try and to share, cooking vegetable treats on the BBQ - here.

Welcome to Summer
making BBQ's and al fresco dining better than ever before - here.

If good food makes you happy
...adding Stokes will make you smile ;)


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